Freetown background information
1. Exploratory Study on Urban Agriculture (UA) in Freetown
The exploratory study aims to explore all major issues regarding urban and peri-urban agriculture to fully understand the urban agriculture sector in Freetown. The survey comprised four main components conducted by different sub-groups. The four components of the exploratory survey are described in the Freetown Exploratory Study on Urban Agriculture document. View report
2. Local Training of Trainers
The local training of trainers programme in Freetown seeks to enhance the capacities of resource persons of local strategic partners with the role of trainers or facilitators in the implementation of the various RUAF CFF training activities in Freetown, especially in the training on Multi-Stakeholder Processes for Action Planning and Policy Formulation (MPAP) in Freetown.
IWMI-RUAF Officials with Freetown Urban and Peri-urban Agriculture Project (FUPAP) members at the training of trainers workshop in Freetown
3. Training on Multi-stakeholder Processes
In 2006, as part of the multi-stakeholder processes in Freetown, two separate MPAP training workshops were organized for the stakeholders. These workshops had the overall goal of developing the capacity of the local partner institutions participating in the FUPAP. The training also aimed at enhancing the capacity of the local MPAP teams (NGOs, universities/research institutions, and municipal technical staff) responsible for the facilitation and coordination of local MPAP in Freetown.
4. Pilot Project on improved vegetable production
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